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How to plan for your travel to China?

    Travel is becoming the most popular human being activities in the world, also one of the most important industries in the world. It is very important for travellers to know clearlly what to do when they start to plan for their tours. Therefore we wrote this article for your information based on our 20 years’ travel experience in worldwide and working experience in travel company. 
    Why do you want to travel? May be you want to know the new or different world, to know new people who may have different cultural background, or to visit different nature. But you must understand clearlly these points before you take action. 
    Firstly, your safety is always the top element you need to consider. Nothing is more valuable than your life, so you need to visit the safe place and meet with the friendly people, not risk your life in a completely unknown and dangerous world. China is a safe country due to its stable political situation, low criminal rate, minor conflics in religions. And Chinese people are also very friendly to foreign tourist. 
    Secondly you need to consider the means of your visit. The places you plan to visit would be interesting or unique either in culture or nature, or it has no means. You may want to anknowlege culture differs to your own culture, to know people different with you, or you want to enjoy a beautiful nature, which might not be so beautiful as your home, but still unique or interesting, or just for a holiday for killing time. You need to find the means of this travel. And then start to find the destinations. 
    Thirdly, you need to find the easiest way of travel. You can travel individually, booking all of transportation, accommodation yourselves, or you can entrust local tour company to arrange your tour, both are ok, depend on your budget and experience. But try to make things easier for you. Using more time to enjoy local attraction, don’t tire up yourselve on the road or settling troubles. And many people use local tour company to arrange everything for them, including search tour companies on line. 
    There are millions of webs on line claiming they are the best and strongest tour companies, but you can hardly know their real situation and who is the real people, naturally it leaves certain risk for you, so reliability of the local tour company is the top question you need to consider. Below we would like to talk about our opinion and experience on how to find a reliable Chinese travel company for your information. 
     Firstly you need to find a legal registered tour company. Reliable means this tour company should be legally registered firstly, not a private personal web, if some accidends happened, they can be responsible for you or your friends in stead of escaping or shirking their responsibility. For all legally registered tour company in China, which should have two licenses: the license from business bureau and license from tourism bureau. It is easy to have license of business bureau, but difficult for license of tourism bureau, because tourism bureau supervise all legel tourism companies strictly, and require all legal tour company leaving huge security deposit in local bank, also oblige all tour company buying enough liability insurance in case of any accident. 
Because webs online are out of control of tourism bureau, so there are also a lot of illegal or prviated webs on line, or even using some big companys’ name and license illegally. When things are smoothly, nothing happen, but when something happened beyond their ability, then these webs shut down, cell phone closed, and people disappeared. It might be a little hard for tourist to tell them cearlly, but just a little effort you can find many doubts about them: They can not give you the two license and always give you their private bank account, not company account. And it is also easy to find out thoese using big companies licenses: it is strange that one company would have many webs or many departments and they are competing for same business, the staffs don’t know each other, and on their web showing different address, phone/ TEX number, email. And when wiring money, they gave you their private personal bank account, not company account. 
      Secondly you need to consider the service of tour company. Good service means the staffs of tour company are knowlegable enough and easy for coummication. And they can understand you very well, and can plan for you rightly. An experienced staff of tour company can always recommend you right destinations for your tour, cut down your budget, make your tour more confortable. And when problems appeared, they are trying to settle it for you, not escaping. 
     Price should be the lastly considered factor for your tour. You know good service requried good price, and the lowest price may not guarantee the service. Since you have already paid so much money, why not paying a little more for a better service ? It is also reality that sometimes your budget is really limitted and the price must be cut down, therefore we recommend you to change the way of travelling smartly to lower the cost, not cut down the price directly by lowering the service.   
     Lastly you need to sign contract rightly with local China tour company, and it is also required by the law of China. Without contract, Chinese tour company will have failed the case according to China tourism bureau. Your contract will protect your right, which will state both sides’ rights, responsiblity, payment, etc. When dispute arises, then contract will settle it. By the way on the  contract, the tour company should use their offical registered name, not web name. For example, our web name is China Exploration for the convenience of clients and web promotion, but out registered offical name is Chengdu Jason Tour Co. Ltd, it is also the formal name when we sign contract with our clients. 
    Well, now you are already a smart tourist and you can take action now.

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