Abak hoja tomb was built in 1640,and it is located in Korgan village ,which is about 5 km away from the town. Abak is his name and Hoja means descendant of Mohammed profit.So it is considered as one ofe the largest Hoja mazar in Xinjang area.
Firstly ,it was not called Abak hoja mazar,it is called Yusup hoja mazar. Yusup hoja is a famous missionary in central asia. His full name is Haji mohammed yusup hoja,came to Kashgar in the middle of 17 th century. Because of so many reasons ,he was driven out of Kashgar and went to Hami.[kumul] .At that time the governor of Hami is Mirsayid jilil,a famous Kashgar noble.He liked Yusup hoja very much and married his dauther to him.In 1621,Abak hoja was born in Hami.Although his missionary job was going very good ,but he still missed Kashgar very much,the first place who admit Islam much earlier than Hami.In 1633,he ,his son and wife came to Kashgar. This time the local governor welcomed him good,and supported him a lot.At that time there was a person called Yarmohammed in Korgan village believed him very much and gave all of his wealth including orchards and gardens ,houses.
By getting all these support ,Yusup began to build up his mosque in this planting land.In 1640 Yusp hoja died in Yingisar when he is returning back from Yarkent,and buried here,by his son.At that time this tomb was called Yusup hoja mazar. After wards Abak hoja inherited his fathers job and won the religious civil war and becamem Kashgar relious leader. In 1693 he is dead ,and buried here .Later days ,because his reputation in relious and politically, is getting much higher than his father ,so that this tomb is called Abakhoja tomb.Does anyone know why we call here fragrant concubine tomb?
According to historical legends ,yes, there is a lady called fragrant concubine [or iparhan],let me tell you one of hir love story with Qianlong emperor. One day Qianlong emperor had a dream. He dreamed ,the far west Kashgar ,there is a pretty Uighur girl,is holding a jade pillar stamp,and and golden pieces silver leaf flower,and came to him by stepping cloudworld ,and came to him.And said Alla permitted her to be married with Qianlong EMPEROR and became a concubine.Qianlong is shocked by her beauty and woke up smilingly.Qianlong is determined to turn his dream into reality,so that he sent some of his ministers to shule[Kashgar].Those ministers tried so hard and came to Kashgar ,nomatter where they go they could not find the girl Qianlong dreamed. Just at this time suddenly ,they saw a girl ,holding a pottery yogurt bowl ,and a piece of fragrant sand date flower,riding on a pile of gorund –dust,looking at them smilingly.She looks extremely beautiful and only 20year old. W hat they saw is entirely the same with Qianlong’s dream.So that they took the girl to Beijing and married she to Qianlong emperor. Because hir body spreds a kind of natural fragrancy ,and Qianlong liked it very much ,and name her Xiangfei or Iparhan.
According to historical material,Xiangfei is a Uighurgirl,and her name is MEmure hezim. People call her Iparhan,fragrant girl in Chinese language.She is Abak hoja grand grand daughter .Because of his brothers and uncles helped Qing soldiers to pacificated the Hoja ‘s rebellion, and for the unification of the motherland ,they made their contributions,then she was able to followed his uncles coming to Beijing and called in by Qianlong emperor to palace.It is said when Iparhan came into palace to meet Qianlong emperor ,the emperor was shocked by her beauty and made her as a concubine..And when she is died her body was carried to Kashgar and buried here.it took 150people 3years to carry her body with a bamboo coach. Iparhan[1735-1785] The whole tomb area occupies a land of 48000square meters. And the combination is Ablution pond, gate tower ,smaller daily mosque,main tomb complex, teaching room ,Jame mosque[Friday mosque]and a huge public cemetery. The main tomb complex is a exqusite ,magnificent,Gumbez stile architecture .Look ,outside is all blue glazed tile and was built 300years ago,and unfortunately the technology is died. That is why many place is still not replaced yet.
Everyone could stay beside the rose flower garden take take some good photos. And you can wear those emperor and concubine dresses and being in photo.Now we can go in and there are 5 generations of 72 person buried here . The blue and green tomb is Abak hoja and his fathers tomb ,,and that little one covered with yellow ribbon is Xiangfei fragrant conbubine tomb.It is said there was a earthquake in 1960s and now 58 tombs left. There is another tomb here called Sudaixiang,which is given to Xinafei ‘s brother Turdi as a gift wife..She gave a lot of help to carry Iparhan’s body to Kashgar and burying here,and later on she is converted to Islam. He r Uygur name is Dilshad hinim. She is passed away in 1815.
Uygur people normally bury the body under the tomb 2-3 meters deep and the tombs shape is like a cradle. Because when we are delivered a s a baby we will be wrapped into the cradle ,so that when we die we will be buried into the cradle as well.
Look at that ,that is Jinaze or Tawut in Uygur language,is called herst in English.
When we die after cleaning the body by Imam ,our body will be wrap with white clothes and will be taken to the nearest mosque. There the body would prayed again and than woulkd be taken to the tomb,by men. And then will be buried. ,under the tomb.