Situated in Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Garze in Sichuan Province, Dege County, although endowed with an appealing landscape, is secluded from the outside by snow-capped mountains. Its seclusion, however, to a large extent contributes to the survival of traditional culture. Dege Scripture Printing House , credited as 'the encyclopedia of Tibetan culture,' is among the best-protected in the region.
Dege Scripture Printing House is the largest traditional press in the Tibetan area of China, and it stores an estimated 70 per cent of Tibetan literary heritage. The subjects of its collection fall into a dozen categories, including Buddhist classics, medicine, mathematics, and literature. The construction of the press began in 1729, but the woodblock printing practice actually appeared in the region in 1703 with the financial support of local government officials.
The press has never stopped operation except for a 20-year period from 1958 to 1979, when all kinds of traditional culture were suppressed in China. In 1979, the Dege Scripture Printing House was allowed to resume operations, and in recent years it has flourished.

Special woodblocks and paper are made for printing Buddhist scriptures. No mechanization, they are all hand-made even today. The woodblock material is red birch, which is ideal for engraving and can remain in good condition after hundreds of years of erosion. A desirable woodblock is not complete without being smoked, boiled, sunned, and polished. Text carved deep in the woodblocks is done in wonderful calligraphy, and is suitable for repetitious printing because of special carving skills used. Paper for printing is made from a kind of daphne plant root, and undergoes several processing stages like washing, steaming, airing, and polishing before use, making them strong, durable, ink-absorbent, and able to resist damage from bugs.
High costs and demanding processing techniques are needed to produce woodblock prints in Dege. Therefore, more effort is necessary to protect the art of printing from dying out.