Mt. Siguniangshan, also called Four Girls Mountains, is 220km from Chengdu. It is made up of 3 valleys filled with snow peaks, forests, plants, blue sky, clear rivulets, glaciers, lakes, and tribal life styles. It provided tourist limitless materials for mountain climbing, hiking, plants and animal tours. The purity of spring, pizzazz of summer, rhythm of fall and elegance of winter will be certain to make you astonished. Almost every peak, lake side, rivulet, and hamlet was attractive to tourist worldwide. The rich recourses of Mt. Siguniangshan provided us the best place for flower watching in west China.

Some of the plants existed:
Meconopsis simplicifolia, Meconopsis integrifolia, Gentianopsis paludosa, Primula graminifolia, Anaphalis Flavescens, Aster souliei, Orchis chusua, Npeta laevigata, Lilium lophophorum, Scutellaria hypericifolia, Cypripedium tibeticum, Habenaria szechuanica, and more.
D1 Arrive in Chengdu.
Arrive in Chengdu, do some city tour accordingly.
D2 Chengdu / Rilong
Drive to Rilong all the day, enjoy the landscape en route. Arrive in Rilong town at foot of Mt. Siguniangshan in the late afternoon.
D3 - 4 Shuangqiao Valley Flower Watching
We will spend 2 days to watch the various flowers in Shuangqiao valley, also enjoy the beautiful landscape in valley, such as Willow Bridge, Yingyang valley, Five Color mountain, Lieren Peak, etc.
D5 Rilong / Laoniu Yuanzi
Today we will hike up to the Laoniuyuanzi along the Haizi valley. Watch the plants en route. Camping in the evening.
D6 Flower Lake Watching
And today we will walk to the Flower Lake to watch flowers around. Also enjoy the beautiful nature.
D7 Flower / Rilong
Continue to watching the plans in the morning and descend the mountain in the afternoon.
D8 Rilong / Chengdu
Drive back Chengdu all the day. End of tour.