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Gorge is initially working for the Australian tour company, Intredpid China, and then became tour guide of China Exploration, and now he is already one of the most experienced adventure tour leaders for China Exploration, and he accumulated rich experience in various tour groups in China, such as trekking tours, overland tours, etc. Most of the time we won the highly praise from the clients due to his hard working, experienced service and kindness in person.
A lot of stories happened during Gorge’s tours in China, if he like, he could tell us his stories without stop in 3 days and 3 nights! Gorge had a happy family, a lovely daughter and a beloved wife. His wife is struggling with serious disease bravely for a few years, and Gorge worked extremely hard in order to save her from the edge of leaving. Thanks for God, it seems that his wife is recovering very well. It is the great achievement of western chermotherapy and magic of Chinese herbal medicine!
For Gorge, one of the unforgetible trip was with Mr Guy Scheltens. Mr Scheltens drove his Iveco from Belgum to China in 2010 from Mongolia at Erenhaote boarder. The long road did great damage to his car, and when he just crossed the China boarder, it was broken down completely. And Gorge made hard effort to rent a local Chinese truck and carry it to Beijing for reparation. And may be Mr Scheltens’ Iveco did not get repair completely, and it was broken frequently in their remaining tours in Shanxi, Shan’anxi, and Yunnan, it was Gorge’s great patience and excellent communication settled them all out!
To be an overland tour leader may encounter some dangers sometimes, there are so many unexpected incidents waiting for them for ever. And in the motorbike riding tour with Mr Wissam Al-Jayyoussi, they met the traffic accident in East Tibet plateau. A backing truck hit down Wissam’s motorbike when they were waiting for pass in a bridge! Thanks for God, nobody was injuried, but the headlight of motorbike was broken. It was normally impossible for travellers to get any compensation from local Tibetan when anything happened. The driver just shrugged his should and said:” Sorry, I don’t have any money, but I can give you my truck, it is worth $CNY 240,000.00, and you still need to return me CNY230,000.00 deduct your headlight! .” Gorge helped Wissam had a negociation with local police and the Tibetan driver, eventually asked back most of the compensation from the Tibetan driver. It was not enough, but thought it was a tour of Charity. Just imagin, how cold it would be when the Tibetan driver’s 20 hostile relatives surrounded you coldly!

Alas, our Gorge is still on his expedition, and he will bring back us more stories, and we also present our endless thanks for his family’s generous support to our adventure travel, God bless them!